Fisherman’s Wharf

Point of Contact: Hostess
Phone Number: 850.389.4882
Location: 210 Harbor Blvd, Destin, FL, United States
Website: (Click Here to Visit Website)
As one of the most popular Destin Harbor restaurants, diners at Fisherman’s Wharf can watch the boats come in with their daily catches as they eat their meals. Diners can come in empty handed and order something off the menu or bring in their own fresh catch and have the restaurant prepare it for them. Those who choose to order off the menu have lots of options. The Jetty Giant is a popular choice at Fisherman’s Wharf. It is the biggest po-boy on the Harbor. There are also lots of items fresh from the Gulf, along with a variety of fried platters. Fisherman’s Wharf is open 7 days a week from 11 AM until 9 PM.